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Hey Guys..

Today I decided to focus on some beauty content😊

Before I go ahead to do so.. Let me just tell you guys, I am not a beauty expert, although I wish I was, sadly.. I'm not. I'm merely just a beauty enthusiast like most of you..

There are many of us ladies, even men that are constantly looking for skin and hair products to help and get our skin and hair looking refreshed, hydrated and healthy.. well.. here are two products that has helped me a lot, with both my skin and hair! Amazing right?..

I got so tired and frustrated by purchasing expensive beauty products for my skin and hair, although there are many amazing products on the market, I wanted something more natural and affordable to use..

I've always heard about the Aloe Vera beauty hack, for both your hair and skin, so I decided to try it and what was so amazing about this, I had access to a Aloe Vera plant 😬 which allowed me to really get all the rich and natural aloe Vera gel straight from the plant, without any add on's...

I usually let the plant lay in fresh water for about 10 minutes, before I start peeling it and scooping out the gel.. After I've done that, I put the gel into a blender to get it nice and thick and easy to apply..


I just loosen my hair, devide it into six sections and I usually start applying on my scalp first, making my way to my tips..

I apply this to my dirty hair though, on "wash day".. I leave it on for a about an hour, sometimes longer.. depending on what I have going on, on that day.

After an hour, I follow my usual hair wash routine and style it as usual..

The first time I used Aloe Vera for my hair, I was hooked to it, instantly.. my hair felt so soft and amazing.. My hair was easier to style, my hair had this AMAZING shine and it even looked and felt healthier. Guys, I live by this beauty hack, Aloe Vera is life.. The most Amazing thing about this, is that it's 100% natural with no other chemicals in it. GREAT right?😊

Aloe Vera products in stores, aren't expensive either you know.. depending on what store you go to, it's really affordable.. also, I'm pretty sure someone you know, has an aloe vera plant in their back yard, or even better.. you might have one growing in yours too..

As I started living by this beauty hack for my hair, I also started using it on my face..
I cleanse my face almost every night, due to me wearing make-up so often..


After I do my face cleanse, I apply the Aloe Vera right after, as a moisturizer.. Aloe Vera is your face, is so good, WHY? Well.. for one, my face has never felt this smooth in so long,.. If you're like me that wears make-up almost everyday, you should try this beauty hack..

My husband applies this to his skin, right after shaving, resulting in, no irritation and itchiness.. It helped his skin a lot too, he now has, even skin tone, SO DO I😊  Aloe Vera is so natural and gives you such amazing results, better results than most popular brands on the market today.. YES, I said it.. lol.

I use the Aloe Vera on my son too, both his hair and skin😊

Another product I live by, is COCONUT OIL👏

How and when I use this,.. listen ladies.. it's not a good thing to wash your hair everyday or more than twice a week, if anything.  I wash my hair once a week., WHY?., if you're going to wash your hair more than twice a week, I promise you.. you will ruin and dry out your hair..

You need to allow your hair's natural oils to treat your scalp and your hair..If you don't, your hair will become dehydrated, dry and really brittle.. it does not matter what type of hair you have, this is a major important beauty rule, when it comes to ones hair.. Keep that in mind..

I moisturize my hair with coconut oil at least three times a week, I live by this.. it has never disappointed me.. I use this on my son's hair too😊

Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil are my two "GO TO's" and "MUST HAVE" beauty essentials😊

Give it a try😉 If you're haven't yet.

Again, I'm not an expert.. I'm just sharing my beauty thoughts and experiences with you all😊


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