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Being a full time mom and wife, isn't always easy.. Although, you signed up for it, along with everything else that comes with it, it can be quite challenging..

 Most of you were probably so happy being independent while having a full time job, excited for date nights and spontaneous adventures and gestures with your husband, or even your girlfriends.

I've been a stay at home wife for nearly 2 years, and a stay at home mom for just over a year.. There's a huge difference between the two, Trust me! Being both can be draining, exhausting and it can pretty much make you feel like you losing your "shits".. it is definitely easy to "let yourself go" meaning, changes in your behavior, physical appearance and yes, you can become emotionally drained and the most common one of all, Depression! Yes ladies, this happened to me... Look, everyone of us are different and our experiences are different too.. by me sharing my experiences, does not mean that you're going to have or had the same experience as I did.

 I love my son and my husband, with everything I have and committing to being a stay at home mom and wife, was and still is, the best decision I've ever made. If you read my previous blog post, you know that I pretty much lost my friends once I became a mom, so this too, played a major role in my "burn out"..

 My life became so chaotic and my days felt like someone had pressed the "repeat" button, over and over again. The cleaning, cooking, diaper change,nap time, snack time, having to listen to how my husband's day at work was, bath time, the nagging, nurturing my sick son and so much more.. became what started off amazing, to being one of the biggest challenges I've ever had to deal with.. Emotionally and physically..

 I was constantly sleep deprived and suffered from severe migraines, which resulted in high stress levels, and that resulted into Depression. My behavior changed, I was constantly sad and had anger, that popped out of nowhere, for no apparent reason.. I had no idea how to handle all these changes, those negative behavioral changes, caused me to cry in bulk every time I watched a sad movie or thought of something sad.. weird right?..

My physical appearance got me real bad, it cut me real deep.. I mean, going from someone that always had her nails and hair done, her eyebrows always being on "fleek"(as they call it these days), Make-up stacked up and cute little outfits, to looking like a sloppy wet potato LOL, no really.. I'm not even exaggerating, I looked really bad. All these things, resulted into major anxiety and depression. Once I decided to get my life back, to get ME back.. everything started falling into place.. I made sure that I scheduled some "me time" every night, to write and exercise. You know the saying " I don't want to sleep like a baby, I want to sleep like my husband"? Well, I started waking my husband some nights, didn't feel bad like I did before, considering he had a full time job and daddy duties the minute he stepped into the door, but I did it anyway, to get in an extra hour of sleep..he was a good sport though. I started doing all the things I did before.. my nails, hair and all those other girly things to get my physical appearance back to ME.. I started doing things a bit differently everyday, added new things to my daily activities too, so that I didn't feel like I was living on a "repeat" button.. I started praying more often than before. I started reading things about positivity and balance.

I found ways to put my son to sleep a lot faster. What really saved me, was writting๐Ÿ˜Š The "burn out" can be avoided and I wish I had known about all these small details when I was going through all this. I wish I had asked for advice from my mom or aunts, or researched as to how to make things a bit easier for me, but to be honest, I hardly ever had the time.. who am I kidding.. I still have my tiny anxious moments, but so does every mom and wife.

 Surround yourself with other mom's too, read or follow some mom bloggers and read about motherhood, you can get a lot of tips or ideas from reading and doing research. Talk to your mom, aunts or family and friends.. venting helps a lot with stress and anxiety. Do not be scared to ask for help, when you're feeling overwhelmed or just plain, tired. Sleep in on some weekends, by sending the kids on "daddy day trips".

Find your balance and that make-up brush and get your life back. It's pretty normal for us as mom's to feel sad, angry and TIRED, especially if you're a stay at home. Remember, that your "story" was already written by God. You were made to be a mom, and a good one too. We are powerful, strong women.. I mean, the pain and experience of giving birth to our tiny little humans, proves how strong and powerful we really are. Whenever I felt overwhelmed or felt like screaming, I would just look at my son, my reason for wanting to be the best version of myself... saved me numerous times.

 I hope this helped or can help some of you ladies.๐Ÿ˜Š You can be a mom and wife, but do not forget about YOU.. take care of yourself so that you can be the best mom and wife ever, by looking darn good doing it too๐Ÿ˜Š


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