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Having balance as a mom and a wife.

Ways on finding time for yourself while being a full time MOM and WIFE!

Mom's! It's so important to find balance. We can all agree that being a mom is exhausting, but Amazing at the same time too, right?
Well, many of us mom's never admit out loud as to how frustrating it is too, right? Come on, say it out loud.. FRUSTRATING! Feel better๐Ÿ˜Š

Well let me share my recent experiences with you guys.
My husband, son and I are currently living in the United Arab Emirates, the place my husband and I fell in love in. We had our first child in March last year and let me tell you, the best thing that has ever happened to the both of us.  Becoming parents have  been the best and rewarding feeling we've ever felt, but let's be honest, mommy duties never stops,EVER! You find yourself changing diapers, cleaning bottles and preparing snacks completely zoned out, because it has become second nature to you.
My husband and I are both in our late 20s and we are the only ones that are married with a kid amongst our friends...Growing up I always heard these phrases " if you're not losing friends, you're not growing up" or "want to see who your real friends are? Have a baby" or, well this one scared me " once you become a parent, your friends become few" and GUYS! This is so true!
I found myself being a full time mom and wife with no friends,..there would be occasional hello's and check ups, to a visit here and there, to no communication whatsoever ๐Ÿ™ˆ I struggled with it a lot, not because they failed to reach out, but because everyone needs friends for occasional catch up sessions, brunches or even just to sit and talk on your phone about life to your girlfriends,right? Getting the latest dirt about "Felicia".. Well, sadly that ended for me. I am away from my family and sisters in a Country, that's now called "my home".. a full time mom and wife with no friends, that's pretty crazy right? Well, that's not all.. My husband works in the hospitality industry and that requires him to work really long hours, while I'm home alone with my son listening to baby talk all day and going about my days, doing my motherly duties and finding time for my husband too.. Let me tell you, I started noticing changes in my behavior, my physical appearance and my emotional state.. I couldn't understand where it was coming from, my husband couldn't understand either and eventually he raised some concerns that got me thinking real hard..

Well, I failed to realize that all these changes were due to me not finding time for myself, finding "me time" doing things that does NOT include my husband and child!

I had to take charge of ME!, and even though, being a full time mom and wife comes before anything, I knew that I needed to find time for myself too. I may not really have friends over here, but I started thinking a lot more positively and said to myself, "Ruchen, you have your mom and sisters that you talk to everyday, and they are your besties since day one".. I thought of ways to make myself feel at ease and I found ways of expressing myself through writting๐Ÿ˜Š

So.. Ladies or even Gents.. find your "me time" find your balance and find your escape.. writing and well, I've decided to start working out too.. are my escapes. I might not go for brunch with friends, but I've found my balance and my escape and my "me time"๐Ÿ˜Š

Schedule a monthly or even twice a month girl time with your girlfriends. Join a gym or participate with activities that are happening in your neighborhood, anything! But it's important to have balance and time for yourself.๐Ÿ˜‰


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