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Hey Guys😊

When I decided to write about this topic, I needed a strong cup of coffee lol.

When my son turned one, he adopted a difficult personality along with him too.
Us as mom's are fully aware about our kids changes in their behavior as they get a bit older..

Hitting the 1 year mark can be both difficult and exhausting, not just for the parents, but for the little ones too.. Yes, they too experience many changes and are given such a short period of time to fully adapt to their little changes..

At this age, your kid is possibly already walking or running or still learning to walk on their own, and let me tell you guys that at this stage, it's major anxiety for us as parents, especially for us mom's, because the more mobile they become, the more likely the chances are for them to get a little bump on the arm, legs or head🙈.. This is okay though, despite our efforts as parents trying to avoid this from happening.. it will happen and that's okay.. Their bodies are designed for these type of things.

At this stage, it's probably best for you to fully baby proof your house..

  1. If you have kitchen cabinets that are in reach of your little one, make sure that there are no hazardous equipment in there... like detergents or fragile objects. 
  2. Try and seal your cabinets and cupboards in every area of the house.. I usually just close all the doors in the rest of the house while I let him walk in one area of the house.. So much easier. 
  3. Although your little one is now mobile, you should always watch them.. I never take my eyes off my son while his walking, trying to run or stumbling on his own feet. Why? Well.. at this stage, they are extremely busy and inquisitive.. any object that catches their eye, I promise you, they will run for it.. at this stage, every little thing excites and overwhelms them, so always keep an eye on them, ALWAYS.. 
  4. if you have any furniture that are most likely to fall if anyone grabs or pulls on it, baby proof it.. just to avoid any heavy furniture or a television falling on them, causing serious injuries. 
  5. Make sure that your make-up, skin and hair care are not in reach of them.. babies and toddlers are always putting things into mouths, and most of those products contains strong toxins and ingredients which should not be anywhere them.
  6. Protect all your fragile and pretty home deco from your little one.. Those cute faces are at the stage of ruining and breaking everything they get their tiny hands on. 

My son recently started with his tantrums.. he holds his entire body stiff and throws himself to the back, while turning his head in some unusual angle that gives me complete anxiety! The first time he did it, I was in a state of shock and really angry too.. My husband and I had no idea where that habit came from, but I've heard from many parents that, unfortunately it's pretty normal.. 

Your little ones, well.. not so little anymore😊.. will have a "personality " of their own at this stage.. some kids become really pleasant and relaxed, while others become energetic and real stubborn too.. I mean, every child is different.. it's important for us as parents to take these baby steps with them as well but it's also important for us as parents to let them know what is okay for them to do and what's not.. My son has a habit of wanting to touch every single thing his not allowed to touch.. Reign prefers to play with everything else, rather than his toys lol.. I may be laughing about it now, but trust me, it's not funny at all.. 🙈 

My husband and I decided to use a different tone with Reign when his good and well behaved, and a complete different tone when he's doing what hes not supposed to be doing.. to make him understand and differentiate between our normal tone, the tone when his good and the tone when his bad.. Reign hates it when his dad uses his firm tone.. Reign is a mommy's boy but him and his dad has this completely  different and amazing  bond, so when my husband uses his firm tone, Reign cries and gets really broke my heart the first time it happened and while my husband was trying to make him understand that what he did, was not okay.. I hugged him and started comforting him, which was a mistake because that confused him.. 

We will definitely all have our own way of implementing discipline to our kids and that's okay, but keep in mind, that they're just kids trying to make sense of every tiny thing their little brains absorbs.. 

The fun part of hitting the one year mark.. We can now enjoy a lot more fun activities with our little tots😊 anything from beach and water park days😊 My favorite! To play dates and much more. 

Let's enjoy every milestone with our little ones, they grow up way too fast😊


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