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I wish I knew this when Reign was born, in fact, my mom had given me advice on this and sadly, I was stubborn and wanted to learn a few things on my own and wanted to do things my way too.....boy, I should've listened.

Having a newborn or even a toddler, that are light sleepers, can be really difficult, draining and extremely exhausting. A year ago, Reign would wake up to any sound, even to me coughing or opening my bathroom door. This made it extremely difficult for me to get anything done around the house and more difficult to actually leave the house. I would tip toe around the house, scared to answer my phone or if I was laying next to him, I would find myself thinking of ways, on how to turn myself on the side without waking him.. seriously, I know this sounds so crazy, but this is definitely not exaggerated. I became so frustrated, I then decided to take my mom's advice, praying that it wasn't too late to get Reign out of this habit. We all know that nap times are so important, if anything.. we look forward to nap time, I usually call it "mommy's break time", during this time, we clean, cook,check our emails and social media or even just catch up on our favorite TV shows, so having a baby that wakes up to every sound, can leave you cussing all day, trust me.

I knew that I had to make some changes and I had to do it real fast. I started implementing all the things my mom said I should do, and the results was amazing! It was challenging, and I wish I had listened at the beginning, it would have saved me so much precious time.. Here are a few things I did, that got Reign from being a light sleeper, to sleeping right through the night and taking long naps, without waking up every ten minutes! Implementing these things with a newborn will definitely be a lot easier than trying to get a toddler to adapt to these changes, BUT... it can be done, trust me. 

•Make sure that your house is not completely quiet while your little one is taking a nap, or about to take a nap. have your tv or radio on. This will make your little one adapt to the sound and most importantly, your little one will familiarize themselves with the different noises and sounds. You also don't want your tv or radio too loud.. set the volume just enough, for your little one to hear the voices and different sounds, but let the noise and sounds be consistent. Do this during the day with the natural light shining into your home. Your little one will familiarize themselves with the sound, and they will fall asleep right through it.

•Play music for your little one during bath time, I usually play classical or jazz or hymns.. make sure that the volume is set to be gentle and at a relaxed pace. This really helped me because, babies tend to be sleepy after bath time, so the soft and gentle music helps with relaxing them and at the same time, they are familiarizing themselves with the sound and gentle noise too. 

•Have normal conversations with your husband or guests, while putting your little one to sleep. This will allow them to familiarize themselves with different voices and tones. This will make it easier for them to fall asleep while you have guests over or even if you are at the mall or at family events.. I don't think you would want to keep telling your guests to lower their voices, every time you have people over. We are fully aware that babies become cranky when they're tired, so familiarizing themselves with different voices, tones and sound, will make it easier for them to fall asleep no matter where they are. 

Do not be afraid to have a little bit of activity in your home, while your little one is taking a nap. Babies start to learn everything we teach them and what we familiarize them with. I struggled with Reign because, I put him to sleep in complete silence.. it was definitely and entirely my own fault, but once I started doing all these little things, he now sleeps right through the night.. he takes his naps while I have guests over, with no hassle.. he falls asleep if we are out, during the time he usually takes his nap.. I get things done around the house, check my mail and social media and, I even get to watch my tv shows while laying next to him, shooo! I should've listened to my mom, after all.. she was right! 

I hope this can help some of you mama's or soon to be mamma's😊


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